Thursday, February 5, 2009



As i type this , i am waiting for several things at the same time.I am waiting, waiting for myself to make a decision, waiting for some sign, waiting for an answer, waiting for someone to ask me to stop waiting.

Woops! Sorry for the random attempt to sound deep and wise. I am actually also waiting for the pics of Chinese New Year to be sent to me by my relatives.(Don't they realise i want the photos too?) Secondly, im waiting for some YouTube videos to load. Oh, and my mum is waiting too, waiting for me to start studying.....

Damn! Exams are actually in 2 weeks! What the hell... and as i type this, it crawls down to 1 1/2 weeks away. Eventhough i realised this, I keep delaying, keep waiting for something to knock me to my senses. Im sure somewhere in a dark and creepy office, a certain teacher is waiting to unleash his/her set of sadistic, cruel questions unto unwary students. And what do we all do? We wait.....

Well, what should i be doing? Practicing Physics? Brushing up on Biology? Checking my Chemistry facts? Waiting for some answers? I might not realise it know, but I am quite sure if i continue waiting, ill regret it someday. Just wait and see.

P.S. Actually I hope I wont regret it.
Off-topic note: This has nothing to do with the movie "They Wait" which I watched some time ago. If you want a review from me, you'll have to wait.

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