Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year: 2009

Haha, its 2009. So what's the big fuss about 2009? After all, its just 2008 + 1 isnt it?So what if the Earth went around the Sun another time?Is it just another reason to stop by in the middle of the highway just to watch the fireworks from Sunway? Just another ocassion where bored blogger's get to write about.... AND just a random conincidental date where i decide to debate:


I was just doing my usual stuff when i saw the pile of textbooks in front of me and realised "I have to go back to school!Studies starting again!". "But," i thought to myself,"school is not bad , just some homework and its not like i have never done homework before". That MAY be true, but homework is still hard and i am forgetting an important part of school, the exams. Furthermore, this year there is the dreaded SPM.On the bright side im gonna meet all my schoolmates in school again! So lets make that a 1-1 draw for 2009. For now...

WEll actually, i cant just say 2009 is is ALL about school. There's bound to be more fun stuff this year! What they are? I just cant predict. If i could, i would win the lottery would't I? Then i would be so rich i'll just hire a consultant to consult me about 2009 instead of wondering about it right now. So the score stands at 1-1 for 2009, i would just have to accept it. Until i win the lottery that is. :) *crosses fingers*

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